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Innovations are hacked by crossing
Cases of supported projects
Introducing cases of projects of Service Design and Growth for digital services
been supported by CROSSHACK Inc.
Mobile Ordering Service

Support for Service Design and Growth of Mobile Ordering Service for the restaurant industry
Responsible for Service Design, UX/UI Design, Data Analysis/Platform Design, and User Research Design
Outsourcing (about 2 years)
Automatic Reception Service

Support for Service Design and Growth of Automatic Reservation Reception Service using Voice AI for the restaurant industry
Responsible for Service Design, UX/UI Design, Data Analysis/Platform Design, and Product Management
Outsourcing (about 4 years)
Information Gathering Service

Support for Growth of Information Gathering Service using AI for the manufacturing industry
Responsible for Data Analysis/Platform Design, and Evaluation Indicator Design such as NSM/KPI
Outsourcing (about 6 months)
EC and Membership Service

Support for Service Design of EC and Membership Service for the retail industry
Responsible for Service Design, UX/UI Design, Marketing Strategic Planning, and Producing RFP for developers
Outsourcing (about 1 years)
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